Art Safiental

Bruno Jakob

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A Versam, Lärchwald – GPS: 46.79972, 31434 – ab Versam (Dorf) ca. 25 Min.
B Acla, towards the old Acla-Tunnel (north portal) – GPS: 46.767778, 9.350833 – ab Nordportal ca. 15 Min.
C Turrahus (im Sand) – GPS: 46.62351,9.27746 – ab Turrahus ca. 5 Min.

3_Jakob Kopie

For almost 40 years, the New York-based artist Bruno Jakob has repeatedly asked what we see. For him, images do not have to be visible in order to exist. An apparently empty canvas hangs on a construction opposite one of his shirts, exposed to wind and weather. This staging can be found in three different locations in the valley. The canvases capture the image and the energies of the object facing them for the duration of the exhibition, which lasts around 100 days. They were previously painted in New York with the largely invisible mediums typical of Jakob’s work such as water, light, air, touch and thoughts (brain waves). If you get involved, a new world will reveal itself.

Installation, performance, painting, concept

ASSISTANCE: Gianin Conrad
Gemeinde Safiental, Erwin Horat, Hans Witschi

Excerpt of the performance “Delete Escape Reset / Daily Movement / Brain Waves Invisible Artworks” which run parallely to the Opening Weekend in New York City. Conducted on July 19 by Bruno Jakob and Hans Witschi