Art Safiental


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Art Safiental 2020

The thematic focus of the third Art Safiental is ANALOG – DIGITAL. The temporary Land and Environmental Art artworks are distributed throughout the Safien Valley from Valendas and Versam at the entrance of the valley, to Tenna and Safien in the middle of the valley and Thalkirch and Turrahus at the end of the valley.

Works by:
Nancy Baker Cahill (US), James Bridle (UK), Com&Com (CH), Fragmentin (CH), HR Fricker (CH), frölicher | bietenhader (CH), Denis Handschin (CH), Bruno Jakob (US/CH), Jan Robert Leegte (NL), Melodie Mousset (FR/CH), Patrick Rohner (CH), Manuel Rossner (DE), Sara Rutz (CH/IT), Curdin Tones (CH/NL), Lucie Tuma (CH), Marie Velardi (CH), Ester Vonplon (CH)

Curated by: Johannes M. Hedinger

> Exhibition Guide
Press ReleaseEnglish, German
Final statementDeutsch

Dates of Exhibition: 18. July – 1. Nov 2020
Opening: July 18/19th 2020 – both days 10-17.00 Detailprogramm
Guided Tours: 2 Aug, 23 August, 20 Sept, 18 October > Details, Infos, Application
Closing event: Oct 31/Nov 1sts 2020 > Program

Berghotel Alpenblick in Tenna serves as an information center for the exhibition. It houses an info point and three Indoor exhibitions of the  Institute for Land and Environmental Art ILEA: Furk’artHeavy Rock FrickerArt Safiental Gallery.
At this location, the village shops and inns and further information points of Safiental Tourism, you can obtain a exhibition guide, free of charge, that details the exact locations of the works of art and some background information about the exhibition, its themes and geographical coordinates.
Art Safiental is also getting an extension to the south this year in the form of a partnership with the Biennale Bregaglia, which is taking place at the same time and shows the second part of the work of Patrick Rohner.

frölicher I bietenhader_ctrl+sfrölicher I bietenhader: “ctrl + s (prekäre Stellen)”, sketch for Art Safiental 2020