Art Safiental


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Bildstein | Glatz: HIMMEL III

Turrahus (im Sand) – GPS: 46.623091, 9.277757


Situated at the very bottom of the valley, this monumental ramp inevitably catapults the view of visitors from the horizontal to the vertical of the Safiental’s mountainous landscape. The Swiss-Austrian artist duo Bildstein | Glatz takes their aesthetic cues from the world of leisure and extreme sports culture. The 11 metres high ramp with its yellow guidelines plays with the idea of a daredevil jump undertaken with an unknown vehicle. As a fragment of an artificial experiential landscape, the ramp also addresses the search for „controlled extremes“ in the context of an untamed natural landscape and itself stands as a brutal architectural object in contrast to the natural Alpine landscape.

Sculpture in wood and acryl, 11 x 10 x 2,5 m

approx 5 min from Thalkirch/Turrahus (Busstop)

ASSISTANCEMitarbeiter Forst- und Werkdienst Gemeinde Safiental, Adrian Dürrwang, Tim Wandelt, Anna Maria Bildstein, Lukas J.ger, Martin Schaufelberger, Michael Stalder
SUPPORT/THANKSGemeinde Safiental, Schreinerei alles massiv, Kremer Pigmente, Matthias Krinzinger