Performance on July 2 (Opening) and Oct 22 2022 (Closing), at several locations in the valley (wind-dependent, info online on the day itself).
“Triple Instruments” (since 2019), are a new kind of sound kite, which consists of three parts: a kite, a string and a resonator. “Triple Instruments” is based on a monochord, an instrument with a single string. The resonating body of the monochord could be a violin, a cello, or something else. “Triple Instruments” has three sound generators: a human, a human-made object, and the non-human world. The three elements influence each other. The listener wears headphones and can listen deeply to the subtleties of each element. Something else, however, remains inaudible: the earth. It too vibrates, oscillates and sings. The actual resonance of the earth, which comes up through the feet, underlies the three upper elements of the performance. The “triple instruments” are played by the three musicians of the Sound Kite Ensemble (Florian Dombois, Fabian Gutscher, Kaspar König). Link:
Action, sound, flying objects, participation
Members: Florian Dombois, Fabian Gutscher, Kaspar König
Support: ZHdK, DKV, FSP Transdisziplinarität