Art Safiental


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Mass movements

It is with great pleasure that we announce the new publication “Massenbewegungen / mass movements” edited by by me and ILEA Institute and published at Vexer Verlag. The most comprehensive monograph to date on the work of Swiss artist Patrick Rohner offers an overview of the entire oeuvre of the last 20 years and is published in conjunction with the solo exhibition “Steine zeichnen” (Drawing Stones), which runs until the end of October at the Institute for Land and Environmental Art in the Berghotel Alpenblick in Tenna, Safiental. 
D/E, 340 p., 1800 ill., design: TGG St.Gallen. ISBN 978-3-907112-46-5
with 14 texts (Konrad Bitterli, Katja Blomberg, David N. Bresch, Annette Gigon, Johannes M. Hedinger, Invar-Torre Hollaus, Peter Hubacher, Patrick Rohner, Hans-Jakob Schindler, Yael Schindler Wildhaber, Ruben Alexander Schuster, Cornelia Schwierz, Lucie Tuma, Helmut Weissert, Roland Wäspe)
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